The Paralympics are upon us, and Marieke Vervoot was quick to highlight that sport was her main reason for living, and also spoke of the suffering she endures because of her chronic, degenerative condition. Vervoot said she was “…still enjoying every little moment. When the moment comes when I have more bad days than good days, then I have my euthanasia papers.”
Exercise as we all know is the key to good health. As more of us begin to undertake sports, wills are rising as a direct result. There are specialist insurance policies specifically for sporting activity, so encouraging sports enthusiasts to have an updated, valid will is only logical.
Over the past 12 months, figures such as a 65% rise in people making a will, as well as a large rise in clients ensuring they have Power of Attorney in place, suggest individuals are becoming nervous about the potential ramifications of undertaking a sport or hobby which may lead to incapacitation in some form.